Call Us

(207) 221 0737

Open M-F: 9am – 6pm

Open Monday to Friday


CONSULT – $299 (Our Signature Package)

  • 90 minute phone conversation with an Ireland destination specialist (may be divided into 3 time-slots of 30min each)
  • Booking and managing all of your trip components – Air, Hotel, transport, tours etc.
  • Follow-up email support
  • In- depth day to day vacation planning
  • One free itinerary review (ex. change of routing, accommodations or tours prior to final payment)
  • Pre-trip coaching, local assistance while traveling if needed, post trip follow up
  • 24hr emergency support while traveling

You also get:

Pre planning
You will receive a trip planning questionnaire to help you prepare for our discussion
Post Planning:
Personalized guide book with additional suggestions to maximize your time in Ireland (downloadable, printable online version)
Safety Tips document (online version
E-tickets and vouchers for all your trip components (online version)


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